PAR Kalinga: Harmony with the Creator, with our being, with others, and with the creation
What’s happening within and around the Kalinga Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) Community has been a long time harmonization of the various aspirations and works of individuals, clans, and tribes who are faithful to pursue their struggle for liberation based on justice and peace.
We, at PeaceBuilders Community and Coffee For Peace, are simply walking with these faithful advocates and leaders. We will listen, and listen, and listen until we are able to have a glimpse of what the Creator has been doing in and among them as a people, of what the Creator is presently doing to liberate them as a people, and of what the Creator will be doing to transform them according the Creator’s will and design for the Kalinga land and people.
We are grateful for the permission the Kalinga people are giving us to journey with them.