We have a new government in Canada. A young Prime Minister. A new cabinet: 15 women; 15 men; 3 Sikhs; 2 belonging to the First Nations/Indigenous Peoples; 2 with disabilities.
I applaud those cabinet members who affirmed their faith; who took an oath in the name of God.
Half of the new cabinet did not mention ‘God’ in their declaration (yes, ‘declaration’ — not taking an oath; not swearing). It’s like the biblical Book of Esther — no mention of ‘God’ but so godly in principle in its story-line. I have no problem with non-religious statements in governance, as long as the quality of governance is ethical and consistent with justice and peace expressed in the Great Commandment–love God, love neighbours as we love ourselves; or consistent with the Fruit of the Spirit–love, joy, peace, etc.
I’m also tired of religious language by politicians–many Filipino politicians–who use God-talk to perpetuate a corrupt value-system and rotten governance system.
May God bless all the cabinet members in the Trudeau government.