Your hands’ work feed us,
Tiller of the sacred land.
May we serve with you?
(Lakan Sumulong)
20-22 July 2016. It’s always a privilege to be visited by our farming partners. To pray together. To eat together. To learn together. To share our struggles for justice and peace. To share our lives with each other. To share resources. To listen to each other.
We conducted a 2-day training program called “From Crop to Cup” which is framed in Peace and Reconciliation principles and practices. The training team consists of Fred Abelitado, Byron Bee Pantoja, Joji Felicitas Bautista Pantoja, and Jobee Palo Basas.
These particular group of trainees were from the Paquibato District, Davao City, one of the most critical areas affected by the armed conflicts between the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the New People’s Army — the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Great thanks to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the City Government of Davao for their partnership.
Kudo’s to the PBCI-CFP support team — Edna Pantoja, Nite Alparas, Catua Frani, Crezy Morgado Eclevia, and Jose B. Calaba.