But here’s a higher reality of Hope: With or without the assurance of DENR, the Indigenous People’s inherent power will endure any attempt of eviction initiated by big corporations, military, police, and government agencies. The voices of their spiritual leaders are clear: The Creator, the Great Spirit, the Lord of History is on their side. With or without the government, with or without the non-government organizations, with or without the church organizations, the IPs will prevail.
We, who support them, can only walk with them at their invitation and by their permission. It’s their march. It’s their journey. It’s their destiny.
The more I listen to their spiritual leaders, the more I sense that the Mother Earth have called the IPs to be the healers of this sick world. The Age of the Indigenous Peoples is the New Healing Age.
It’s just a matter of time-event-people-nature harmonization.
May the Creator of all peoples be praised!