We’re happy to announce that Coffee for Peace Café, our social enterprise in Davao City, is now open again. This coffee shop had been closed for five months due to CoViD19 lock down. After reconfiguring our operations and integrating public health safety protocol, we’re ready to serve you. Welcome back!

We’re so excited to serve you again with our local coffee that is processed according to global quality standards. And we’re doing this in the context of our new realities. Everyone in our team at PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. and Coffee for Peace, Inc., especially the Coffee for Peace Cafe Team — baristas, cashiers, chefs, dishwashers, administrators, maintenance staff — have been trained how to prevent the spread of CoViD19 at our places of work.

Protecting yourself and our workers

Coronaviruses are spread through close contact with others. Here are some helpful steps we’re doing to prevent the spread of germs at home or in the workplace:

  • We wash our hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • We sanitize often, between each transaction.
  • We wash or sanitize our hands after making or receiving deliveries.
  • Our staff wear gloves, face mask and face shield and thus avoid touching our eyes, nose or mouth. We do not touch our face with gloved hands. We take take care when removing gloves and ensure we wash our hands after removing them.
  • We wash our clothes as soon as we get home.
  • We avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • We stay at home if we’re feeling sick and we notify our supervisor immediately.

Two-meter physical distancing 

As advised by public health officials, we comply with physical distancing. While serving you, we follow the following rules:

  • We minimize contact with customers while keeping our sincere attention with smiles.
  • We maintain a safe distance while handing goods and taking payment; we minimize handling of cash; and, we’re working on using electronic payment to eliminate using cash.
  • We assign staff to ensure customers are maintaining safe physical distances in congested areas like entrances/exits and check-outs.
  • We add table markings and barriers to manage traffic flow and physical distancing.
  • We do not accept re-usable bags or containers that are to be handled by our staff.
  • We install barriers between cashiers and customers.
  • We stagger start times, shifts, breaks, and lunch times.
  • We restrict the number of people on-site and where they are assigned to work.
  • We control site movement by limiting the potential for workers to gather.
  • We limit the number of people working in one space at the same time.
  • We minimize the number of people using each piece of equipment in instances where sharing equipment cannot be avoided.
  • We hold meetings in a large space or outside.
  • We limit unnecessary on-site interaction between workers, and with outside service providers.

Workplace sanitation

Here are some steps we do as employers:

  • We provide ways to properly clean hands, by providing access to soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • We provide a safe place for customers to dispose of used sanitizing wipes and personal protective equipment.
  • We have clean washroom facilities.
  • We sanitize commonly-touched surfaces or areas such as entrances, counters, washrooms and kitchens.
  • We sanitize shared equipment where sharing of equipment cannot be avoided.

Permanent link to this article: https://waves.ca/2020/08/10/coffee-for-peace-cafe-reopens-with-appropriate-public-health-safety-protocol/


We are sent by Mennonite Church Canada Witness in partnership with our international community.