As part of their two-day monthly training on “Inclusive Development & Farmerpreneurship,” (a 6-month training program), key farmers and community leaders of Mandaya Indigenous People from Pantuyan, Caraga, Davao Oriental had coffee production exposure trip to A and J Mahayahay Farm and to the CFP post-harvest processing facilities at the Malipayon Peace Hub in Managa, Bansalan, Davao del Sur. I lead this activity in my capacity as Vice President for Community Partnership at Coffee for Peace (CFP). I’m being supported by Aldren Banal, Operations Manager at CFP, who happens to be my husband.

Day One
At the A & J Mahayahay Farm, Aldren starts with a review on: propagation; soil identification and improvement; plant nutrients; soil organic matter; and soil pH and liming. The farmers are also exposed to composting coffee pulp and husk; pruning and stumping; pest and disease identification and prevention.
Then they’ll have a hands-on experience with our depulping machine. We introduce a time-tested equipment that is light, inexpensive, easy to maintain, and simple enough to operate. Finally, they are exposed to the proper drying of coffee parchment.

After the farm experience, the farmers are exposed to our post-harvest processing yard. There, Sonny Bautista, our Lead PostHarvest Processor, with the help of his assistant, Rosie Malik Gonzaga, give the farmers hands-on experience on a more sophisticated depulping machine and dehulling machine.

Day Two
We usually bring the farmers back to Davao City to let them process their experiences through a debriefing session. We identify the key lessons learned during this time. We hold this activity at the Coffee For Peace Café.
For this particular batch of trainees, we are fortunate to have the presence of three respected women leaders to share their stories and wisdom.
- Bai Liza Saway from the Talaandig Indigenous People’s Community in Bukidnon, shared their social entrepreneurial experiences as they journey towards the full enjoyment of their right to self determination.
- Ms Tala Alngag Bautista, Senior Vice President at CFP who’s from the Sumacher Tribe in Kalinga, shared our ethical values in social entrepreneurial partnership with IP communities;
- Ms Joji ‘Lakambini’ Pantoja, our President and CEO at CFP, shared our peace and reconciliation journey and relationships with various IP communities.

This program is done in partnership with Tri-Peoples Development and Services Foundation, led by Rolivel Oliveros Elusfa and Lourdesima “Mommy Joy” Pua-Elusfa.
Here’s an 8-minute video that provides a more comprehensive view of this initiative.