Last 6th of May 2022, the Green Habits Agri-Trading (GHAT) made a partnership agreement with Kapeyapaan Farmers Association (KFA). They were accompanied by the IncluDev Team of the PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI) and of Coffee For Peace (CFP). The signing of agreement was held in Malipayon Peace Hub, the post-harvest facility of CFP in Barangay Managa, Bansalan, Davao del Sur. They both aim to become an outstanding social enterprise in Barangay Alegre and even in the Greater Davao Area.

Green Habits is a market-driven social enterprise. They deliver fresh and safe vegetables according to their customers’ demand. Aside from providing market linkage for smallholder farmers, they intend to engage in value adding activities to develop new products that can add income to the farmers.
The KFA-Alegre is an association of coffee and vegetable famers. Looking for a market is not easy for them. They might be paid underprice and the like. The KFA’s quality coffee does have a buyer which is the CFP, and their other partners. Their vegetables may be in good quality but without a permanent buyer, some of it might end up dumped.
Nelben Moreno, the Green Habits’ project leader led their team in signing the agreement; he was assisted by Jay Ar Bellezas, the enterprise’s field facilitator. Asterio Avila Sr., KFA president, and Jocelyn Mariño, KFA board member, represented the farmers. And from the IncluDev Team, Sihaya Ansibod represented the PBCI, and Joji Pantoja served as the CFP witness.

Green Habits asked the farmers to classify their production module, cluster supply plan, and their objective. These will help them to identify which and how much crop to plant, and which company to approach. When there are products specifically demanded, the Green Habits would provide seedling, and fertilizer if needed. Green Habits will also train the farmers for eight months to achieve an excellent quality needed by the market. During the training, the farmers will have their production already (crops are ready to harvest at least three months from planting.) The KFA will assign each member to participate in the local study team. And they will discuss here their production and marketing.
The Green Habits assure that the farmers will have access to financing if needed, that they will not hide any data from anyone, and that they will pay a good price.
During the discussion, farmers were worried about what to do with their rejected products due to size and shape of the fruits and vegetables. Fortunately, the Green Habits has a market for them as long as they are fresh and edible.
The union was closed with a documentation photo, holding the papers they have signed.