Mennonite Church Canada, our sending organization, is part of Mennonite World Conference.  We see ourselves and PeaceBuilders Community as part of this global body.


We work with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in relief and rehabilitation interventions. MCC is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice.



We learned many of our initial skills in starting PeaceBuilders Community from the Christian Peacemakers Team. We have modified and contextualized our operations since then based on our actual experiences in the Philippines.


PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. is developing a fair trade initiative in the coffee industry in the Philippines. This is part of our economic-ecological shalom-building.


We also affiliated with the Integrated Mennonite Church in the Philippines and they have appointed us to be their peace building arm in the Philippines. We also help in developing their leadership program.


The national umbrella of churches where we belong is the Philippines Council of Evangelical Churches. PeaceBuilders Community is a founding member and supporter of the newly established Peace and Reconciliation Commission of PCEC.

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We are sent by Mennonite Church Canada Witness in partnership with our international community.