The Executive Committee of the Youth for Social Action (YSA) went through Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) Seminar Facilitators’ Training Program. YSA is “an evangelical youth movement committed in creatively engaging society towards social transformation, by providing trainings and venues for direct involvement in grass roots communities–national and global level.”
PeaceBuilders Community Inc (PBCI) facilitated this training program that is committed to biblical, active non-violent, radical transformation of our land that leads to just-peace. This PAR Facilitators’ Training program is offered to church leaders, Christian organization executives, local government officials, military and police officers, and other sectoral leaders across the Philippines.
The Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches’ PAR Commission (PCEC PARCom) sponsored this particular leaders’ training for the Executive Committee of Youth for Social Action.
May 30-31, 2011. Tagaytay City.