We are mentoring the next generation of leaders in this Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) vision and mission for which we’ve been sent as missionaries.
This PAR Movement is now being carried by three ‘organizational vehicles’ — PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI), Coffee for Peace Corp. (CfPC) and AJM Planning and Design (AJM). These young leaders are organizing themselves to run a social enterprise to sustain this PAR Movement.
Seeking points of convergence of three organizations. PBCI, CfPC and AJM are legally distinct from each other but are exploring the possibility to function as one inclusive development consulting group.

PBCI is a non-profit organization that trains peace and reconciliation leaders and field volunteers — like conflict transformation specialists, restorative justice practitioners, and inclusive development leaders — who are dreaming and working together for a just, radical, and active non-violent transformation of our beautiful land. PBCI normally works in partnership with religious institutions, civil society organizations, political fronts, business corporations, and government agencies.

CfPC is a for-profit corporation established in April 15, 2008 in Davao City. While doing profitable business, CfPC addresses social issues that concern our farmers, our environment, and the peace situation in our land. CfPC is committed to multiply justice-oriented social enterprises in the coffee industry. CfPC is also the primary social enterprise model in this PAR Movement practicing the principles and ethics of inclusive, sustainable, and regenerating development.

AJM’s mission is to create positive impacts on society and the environment through landscape architecture. Through landscape architecture, site planning, urban design, environmental graphics, and digital media, AJM seeks to communicate and demonstrate peace and reconciliation messages as people enjoy public parks, campuses, resorts, camping sites, business centers and other public places throughout the country.
Mentoring new leaders. Starting this year and in the following years to come, we will invest most of our time and energy equipping and empowering a new generation of leaders through the PeaceBuilders School of Leadership (PBSL). PBSL is the continuing education program for current PBCI staff, consultants, and selected volunteers; it is also the training and qualifying program for PBCI’s prospective Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) seminar facilitators, consultants and new staff candidates.
Meet the new members of our senior leadership team who are going through basic and advanced programs at PBSL:

Twinkle Alngag Bautista. We call her ‘Tala’ — the Pilipino term for star. In her own words, she desires to be “a Tala that points toward the Prince of Peace; a star that reflects only the Prince of Peace; to shine pointing to the Shalom.” Tala is a proud member of the Kalinga First Nation and celebrates the fact that she belongs to the Indigenous People (IP). She’s a graduate of the University of the Philippines in Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. At an early age, she dreamed to be a missionary. Now that she’s part of PeaceBuilders Community, she testifies with much excitement that she is a ‘peacebuilding missionary’! At PBCI, Tala is our most qualified partnership designer and seasoned inclusive development mentor. At CfPC, she serves as vice president for community development.

Sihaya Ansibod. Her christianized name is Jobelyn Basas. Sihaya obtained her Bachelor of Science Degree in Community Development from Southern Christian College, Midsayap, Cotabato. She is a proud Erumenen ne Menuvu — one of Mindanao’s indigenous peoples. The meaning of her indigenous name, Sihaya Ansibod, is “The Enlightened One”. Her gifts of spiritual discernment and wisdom are being demonstrated in the delicate tasks she’s doing in the field — community organizing, conflict transformation, inclusive development initiatives. She has good working skills in dealing with various kinds of situations, proficient in working with computers, works effectively with PBCI office and field teams, and flexible in adapting changes in new settings.

Aiza Wanay Baluyan. Aiza is ‘Wanay’ — a proud indigenous woman from the tribe of Banao in the Province of Kalinga. She is a Registered Nurse with specific expertise on health advocacy. Along her professional journey, she gained skills on systems administration, event coordination as well as community-based learning facilitation. She is also a dedicated environmental activist. Her dream is to continue her passion to help her people in the area of community-based health care and inclusive development initiatives — such as coffee farming, processing, and marketing. While learning peace and reconciliation with PBCI and CFP, she is also dreaming to rejuvenate the coffee plantations in their tribal lands in Kalinga, starting with the properties her family owns. While finishing her PBSL program, Wanay will serve as systems administrator at the CfPC office.

Bennette Grace Tenecio-Manulit. Bennette holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. She served as PBCI’s director of support operations for several years. She made sure that our field workers — both paid and volunteer staff — were adequately cared for through her administrative and financial management skills. In those times of emergencies due to war and natural disasters, Bennette and her team proved to be efficient and effective in their logistical operations. Her advanced leadership and management skills brought her to lead a national project of the Philippine Relief and Development Services, the relief and development arm of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches. At present, she’s running her own inclusive business with her husband, Norman. Bennette also serves as vice president for public relations at Coffee for Peace Corp.

AJ Moldez. AJ is a graduate of the University of the Philippines—College of Architecture, with a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree. He has worked with the pioneers of landscape architecture in the Philippines and since has worked on projects ranging from high end residential projects to masterplanned developments. Right now, he’s the principal at AJM Planning and Design — a collaborative and faith-inspired design studio that is committed to using landscape architecture as a vehicle for peace and reconciliation advocacy. He joined PBCI a year ago and since then have directed his business and professional activities in support of peace theology and inclusive development. While going through his PBSL program, AJ also serves as vice president for innovation planning and design at Coffee for Peace Corp.
Inclusive development consulting group. As we are getting deeply immersed in divided communities because of unresolved conflicts, the more we are becoming aware of the need for inclusive economic development as a critical aspect of our peace and reconciliation mission. Inclusive Development is based on three pillars:
- high, sustainable, regenerating development and growth to create and expand economic opportunities;
- broader access to opportunities to ensure that members of society can participate and benefit from development; and,
- social safety nets to prevent extreme deprivation.
A number of people’s community organizations with whom we are working together are moving towards inclusive development. They are actively involved in the areas of various livelihood initiatives, such as: vegetable farming and marketing; bamboo product manufacturing; and, brick-making using silts and palay hull.
These inclusive development activities are all framed in Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) Principles — that is harmony with the Creator (spiritual transformation), with one’s being (psycho-social transformation), with the others (socio-political transformation), and with creation (economic-ecological transformation).
Because of these emerging needs expressed by our field partners, we are prompted to organize ourselves into an integrated inclusive development consulting group. All the talents, expertise, years of experience, and resources of PBCI, CfPC, and AJM are now being evaluated, hopefully to become inter-operable, to serve our clients better.